

HR policy
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With a clear development strategy goal, every employee deeply feels that there is hope, development and direction in Chenyang.

Provide employees with a broad career development stage, build a competitive platform, and let talents with real talents stand out.

Fully respect the spirit and personality of employees, create a good humane environment and working environment, the company always thinks about employees, let employees have the company in their hearts, and love the company from the heart.

Let employees participate in the company's democratic management, encourage employees to make suggestions, expand communication channels, give spiritual incentives at appropriate times, and enhance employees' sense of ownership and sense of mission and responsibility.

The reasonable distribution and reward system enables the employees' labor contribution and labor remuneration to be reasonably affirmed, and the backbone talents of various positions (management, R&D, sales, etc.) are given more generous treatment.

Recruiting talents from all over the world, you help Chenyang develop, and Chenyang gives you a bright future!



Contact us
Address: No. 23,Zhuangzhi?Road, Chengnan Industrial Zone, Longyou, Zhejiang, China
Contact: Peng Yanting +86-13454020755
Fax: +86-570-7683333
E-mail: 13326105288@189.cn
Web: www.gzzc66.cn
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